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Always looking for the 'Ah ha!' moment

"Miss Cashaback has been working with my daughter for two months learning basic developmental skills and  I have already seen a lot of progress. They go on specially planned outings which make the skills she is learning come to life. I hope that Miss Cashaback can continue to work with my daughter for a long time." - Mirna 

Mirna's daughter is a young high-school student with special needs. When she first started with Root Tutoring she was unable to count money, understand time and had a variety of grammar difficulties. By finding the root of the problem, she is now able to talk about dollars and cents, hours and minutes, and is also able to use a calendar with ease. It has been wonderful working with her and learning which activities suit her learning style. 


Take a look at what we have done together! 

English Class Reviews


The teacher will guide students' learning and give extensions to ensure that the students understand the lesson. She was a very good teacher. 


The teacher is very clear on instructions and clarification. W had the chance to speak a lot, and were given time to understand. 


This was the best and most efficient class I have ever had. We had a lot of chances to practice our English. Thank you, Teacher, for the help with pronunciation, it was very important to me. 

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